sweet coconut laddu recipe

September 29, 2023 |
Views 391


Are you craving to have something sweet? want to make laddus - the easiest way?
Then you are in the right place - do check out the recipe below:


1. grind a fresh coconut / grate it = 1cup
2. 1/4 cup sugar or 1/2 cup
3. cardamon / cinnamon powder [optional]

Preparation and Cooking procedure:

Mix the freshly grated / ground coconut with the sugar. Mess everything properly with your hands for 5 mins and then keep it for rest (about 5 mins). If you have cardamon/cinnamon powder - add into the mixture as well.
Heat a pan it's very important to keep it low otherwise coconut will stick to the bottom or get burnt.
Add the mixture into the pan and keep stirring continuously - don't leave it for even a minute.
Keep stirring for 20mins or until the mixture becomes a bit sticky. You can test it by trying to take a bit of the mixture and form a shape - if it takes shape it means it's time to take it off the flame.


Time to bind the laddus now. It's very important to shape the laddus when the mixture is still hot. If it cools down the sugar will crystalize and will not take shape. Wet you hands in water and shape the coconut mixture into round shaped laddus. Once the laddus have cooled down store them in an air tight container and eat it whenever you get a craving - self life of the laddus are quite long so enjoy!!

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